Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3-C Week Will Soon Be Here!

For you new freshmen, the band will be performing for you as part of the auditorium presentation.  We hope you enjoy the show!

Freshmen will not need any instruments until classes begin, Thursday, September 8th.  A limited number of rental instruments will be given out, with priority given to those who do not have an instrument.  Hopefully you have an instrument you can leave at home for practice.  We should be able to supply you with a second instrument.  This, of course, depends on the instrument and what is available.  We will work this out with your son after Labor Day.

Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who are performing in the auditorium presentation for 3-C week will receive a letter reminding you of the particulars.  Rehearsal for the upperclassmen is on Thursday, August 25.  Please report at 6:00 p.m. in the band room with your instrument.  Dress for the Thursday rehearsal is casual.  All of the repaired instruments are back and can be found in the lesson area, while those who stored their instruments in school over the summer can find them in the band room.