Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring concert ticket information.

Tickets for the Spring Concerts, to be held on Friday, April 15th and Saturday, April 16th, at 8:15 p.m. are available at a cost of 5 dollars each.  The Flyers Band, the Crimson Glee Club, the Crimson Band and the String Orchestra will perform on Friday evening.  The Gold Band and the Gold Glee Club, including the Jazz Band and the Vocal Chamber Ensemble, will perform Saturday night. 

If you do not have a son performing in the concert, please place your order by calling the Chaminade Box Office, (516) 742-555, ext. 455.  Your tickets will be placed on reserve and should be picked up the night of the concert.  You will be contacted only if there is a problem.

If your son is performing in the concert, click on the link below to print out a ticket order form.  Print it out and have your son bring it to school, handing it in to the appropriate moderator.
This link has been removed since the concert is over.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Welcome to the Band Blog

This blog will cover topics related to the Gold, Crimson, Flyers and Pep Bands.

Ticket information for the Spring Concerts to be posted soon.