Friday, November 22, 2013

Christmas Concerts

Information about tickets for the Christmas Concerts can be found by clicking on the appropriate page tab above.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Lessons Begin September 16th!

Students in band have reviewed the procedures concerning lessons.

Each week the schedule is posted in homeroom.

A copy is available on the band blog.

Click on the LESSON SCHEDULE tab above to view it.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Please Mark Your Calendar!

The calendars for each of the bands has been posted.

You may access the particular calendar by clicking on the appropriate tab above.

Kindly mark your family calendars so that your son can present when he is needed for the band.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Band starts this week!

Band starts up this week!

Students should be ready to play this Friday.  We will be doing some paperwork on Thursday, but feel free to bring your instrument in that day. 

For the new freshmen, we will also issue rental instruments, if available.  A limited number of rental instruments will be given out, with priority given to those who do not have an instrument.  Hopefully you have an instrument you can leave at home for practice.  We should be able to supply you with a second instrument.  This, of course, depends on the instrument and what is available.  We will work this out with your son after Labor Day.

Remember, ALL instruments in school need an ID tag!  You can buy one from the school for $1.00.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mineola Memorial Day Parade

On Monday,  May 27th, the combined bands of Chaminade will march in the Memorial Day Parade in Mineola.

Click on the page tab above for particular information for that day.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Tickets for the Spring Concerts

Ticket forms for the upcoming concert can be obtained by clicking on the TICKETS tab above.

Hope to see you there!

Friday, January 4, 2013


It is time for NYSSMA sign-up! Some information to keep in mind:

Seniors do not take NYSSMA.

Students who take lessons at Chaminade should have already consulted their lesson teachers.

Make sure your piece is listed in the current NYSMMA manual.
You need ORIGINAL music for your solo. Most pieces come with a piano part you can give to the judge. Get the music NOW, if you have not done so already.

Students with questions should talk with their lesson teachers or moderators.

Students playing more than one solo should fill out a separate form for each solo. One check is fine.

Regarding All-State solos:

Only sophomore and juniors may take an All-State solo.
Most solos require a piano accompaniment. Find someone NOW.
Only students who have performed superbly on a level 6 solo should consider this.

Print out the form, bring it to school, along with a check and hand it in to the moderator of your group.

MAKE YOUR CHECK OUT TO Chaminade High School.

If you are not in a performing group at Chaminade (typically piano players) and would like to participate, bring the form to Bro. Karl Hornberger in the band room, after school.

Click here to print the form.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jazz Workshop Moved to January 31st.

Because of conflicts with All-County, the Jazz Workshop has been moved to January 31st.

This workshop is open to any student in Chaminade and is a great opportunity to listen to and play with professional musicians.  Mr. Lewis, Gold Band Conductor, brings in his professional group, New Vintage, for the workshop.