I would like to make the following points clear for you regarding our parade on Monday, May 25th.
1) The parade is a mandatory performance for those who are assigned to it. Any exceptions should have already been cleared with Bro. Karl.
2) Should you be sick on Monday, you are to call Chaminade (742-5555, ext. #523) from 9:00 A.M. to 9:20 A.M.. Leave a message for me stating your name, phone number, and what ails you.
3) Please report to Chaminade at 9:00 A.M. Pick up your band shirts and go to the Band Room to change. Remember to bring a plain white t-shirt, black dress pants, black socks, black belt and black shoes (no sneakers).
4) In case of rain, you must still report to Chaminade. The decision to cancel the parade is not made until later in the morning. Only a constant and heavy rain will cancel it early. Check extension #523 at (516) 742-5555 if you are not sure.
5) We should finish by 12:00. Refreshments will be provided after the parade. Please arrange your ride ahead of time.
6) The parade officially begins 11:00, starting at Wilson Park.