Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tickets for the Spring Concerts

Tickets for the Spring Concerts, to be held on Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th, at 8:15 p.m. are available at a cost of 5 dollars each.  The Flyers Band, the Crimson Glee Club, the Crimson Band and the String Orchestra will perform on Friday evening, while the Gold Band and the Gold Glee Club will perform Saturday night.

If your son is performing in the concert, click on the link below to print out a ticket order form.  Fill it out and have your son bring the form and cash/check to school, handing it in to the appropriate moderator. 


Click on the link below to print the form:
This link has been removed.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Audition Information for the Incoming Freshmen

Information about auditions for the incoming freshmen can be found by clicking on the Auditions tab above.

Please make sure you read the Band Letter to All Students, which should answer most of your questions.

You can contact the band moderator with any additional questions by clicking on the e-mail address in that letter.