Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Pep Band Schedule for Basketball

The basketball schedule for the Pep Band is posted.  Click on the tab above to view it.

All home league games are held in the AAC. 

If Chaminade makes the finals at CW Post, the Pep Band will be there!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Information for our Upcoming Concerts.

What time do we have to be at school?

What do we wear?

Where do we go?

All these questions, and more, are answered in the page tabs above.  Choose the appropriate concert night to see what you need for the night of the concert.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pep Band and the Playoffs

The Pep Band will have the Thanksgiving Weekend off.

Please keep the weekend of December 1st open, as we hope to be in the finals that weekend.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Lessons and Hurricane Sandy - UPDATED

No lessons for November 7th to the 9th.

Lessons will resume the week of November 12th.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Marines are Coming!

The Marine Corps Band, The President's Own, will be performing at the Tilles Center at CW Post in Brookville on Wednesday, October 24th at 7:30 p.m..

Tickets are required and are free of charge.   Unfortunately, all of the tickets have been given out.
You can show up the evening of the concert to see if there are unclaimed seats, which will be available at 7:15.

Semper Fi!

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Lesson Schedule is now On-Line

Not sure when you have your lesson?

Click on the page tab marked Lesson Schedule, which will take you to links for the different weeks of lesson schedule.  The first week of lessons is posted.

The new schedule will be posted by Friday.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome to a New Year of Band!

Band starts up again this week!

Students should be ready to play this Friday.  We will be doing some paperwork on Thursday, but feel free to bring your instrument in that day. 

For the new freshmen, we will also issue rental instruments, if available.

Remember, ALL instruments in school need an ID tag!  You can buy one from the school for $1.00.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

3-C Week is approaching!

For you new freshmen, the band will be performing for you as part of the auditorium presentation.  We hope you enjoy the show!

Freshmen will not need any instruments until classes begin, Thursday, September 6th.  A limited number of rental instruments will be given out, with priority given to those who do not have an instrument.  Hopefully you have an instrument you can leave at home for practice.  We should be able to supply you with a second instrument.  This, of course, depends on the instrument and what is available.  We will work this out with your son after Labor Day.

Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors who are performing in the auditorium presentation for 3-C week should have received a letter reminding you of the particulars.  Rehearsal for the upperclassmen is on Thursday, August 23rd.  Please report at 6:00 p.m. in the band room with your instrument.  Dress for the Thursday rehearsal is casual.   The repaired instruments should back by then and will be found in the lesson area, while those who stored their instruments in school over the summer can find them in the band room.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Audition Results in the Mail

Results from the May auditions have been sent in the mail.

A kind request:
If your son has decided that he does not want to be in the band, please e-mail Bro. Karl right away.  There was a large number of students who auditioned, especially on alto sax, trumpet and drums.  We would appreciate knowing if an opening is available so that we can allow other students to participate.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Memorial Day Parade

I would like to make the following points clear for you regarding our parade on Monday, May 28th.

1)  The parade is a mandatory performance for all members.  Any exceptions should have already been cleared with Bro. Karl.

2)  Should you be sick on Monday, you are to call Chaminade (742-5555, ext. #523) from 9:00 A.M. to 9:20 A.M..  Leave a message for me stating your name, phone number, and what ails you.

3)  Please report to Chaminade at 9:00 A.M.  Pick up your band shirts and go to the Band Room to change.  Remember to bring a plain white t-shirt, black dress pants, black socks, black belt and black shoes (no sneakers). 

4)  In case of rain, you must still report to Chaminade.  The decision to cancel the parade is not made until later in the morning. Only a constant and heavy rain will cancel it early.  Check extension #523 at (516) 742-5555 if you are not sure.

5)  We should finish by 12:00.  Refreshments will be provided after the parade.  Please arrange your ride ahead of time.

6)  The parade officially begins 11:00, starting at Wilson Park. 

Parade route:  The parade starts at Wilson Park, which is at the east end of Mineola.  North on Union Street, turning left and heading west on Westbury Avenue.   A right turn heading north on Roslyn Road.  A  left turn onto Jericho Turnpike heading west.  A left by the AAC heading south on Marcellus Road.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Information for the Upcoming Concerts

Click on the appropriate page above to view the information for the concert bands.

Information about what time to arrive, what to wear, where to go, etc. is posted.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tickets for the Spring Concerts

Tickets for the Spring Concerts, to be held on Friday, April 27th and Saturday, April 28th, at 8:15 p.m. are available at a cost of 5 dollars each.  The Flyers Band, the Crimson Glee Club, the Crimson Band and the String Orchestra will perform on Friday evening, while the Gold Band and the Gold Glee Club will perform Saturday night.

If your son is performing in the concert, click on the link below to print out a ticket order form.  Fill it out and have your son bring the form and cash/check to school, handing it in to the appropriate moderator. 


Click on the link below to print the form:
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Audition Information for the Incoming Freshmen

Information about auditions for the incoming freshmen can be found by clicking on the Auditions tab above.

Please make sure you read the Band Letter to All Students, which should answer most of your questions.

You can contact the band moderator with any additional questions by clicking on the e-mail address in that letter.

Monday, January 2, 2012

The NYSSMA Form Is Now Available

It is time for NYSSMA sign-up!  Some information to keep in mind:

Seniors do not take NYSSMA.

Students who take lessons at Chaminade should have already consulted their lesson teachers.

Make sure your piece is listed in the current NYSMMA manual, #29.

You need ORIGINAL music for your solo.  Most pieces come with a piano part you can give to the judge.  Get the music NOW, if you have not done so already.

Students with questions should talk with their lesson teachers or moderators.

Students playing more than one solo should fill out a separate form for each solo. One check is fine.

Regarding All-State solos:
Only sophomore and juniors may take an All-State solo.
Most solos require a piano accompaniment.  Find someone NOW.
Only students who have performed superbly on a level 6 solo should consider this.

Print out the form, bring it to school, along with a check and hand it in to the moderator of your group.
MAKE YOUR CHECK OUT TO Chaminade High School.

If you are not in a performing group at Chaminade (typically piano players) and would like to participate, bring the form to Bro. Karl Hornberger in the band room, after school.

Click here to print the form.
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